MOOCs the Accelerator of Learning – Elearning Africa PhotoContest



We are evolving, looking at the joy and smile on these faces really prove how the world has changed with technology. Looking way back getting access to information was very difficult as compared to this era. Learning with digital technology has made everything fast and convenient for all.
And in this evolution access to diverse references and learning resources are only a keystroke away, genuine and up to date.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) a course of study made available online for free has indeed accelerated the way we learn. You can learn via these platforms at your own pace anytime and anywhere. 
Skype Mystery has made it possible for us to collaborate with others virtually.

With the emergence of communication tools; customers, retailers, suppliers, employees and business partners among many others can exchange information, plans and ideas over oceans and continents much easier and faster. These communication tools may include video conferencing, live text and the use of smartphones. The use of these tools will save money and time.    Click to vote here